
Merle Works was founded while parachuting out of life as normal. It was invented as a personal salve for an anxious time, and built to be a reliable, renewable source of joy for all who find it. It nurtures human connection, a love of language and color, and a spirit that anything can happen. It makes for inspired, intentional giving and receiving.

What about that funny name? Merle Works was inspired by the spirit of radical innovation pioneered in the Skunk Works division of Lockheed Martin during the second World War. They were endeavoring to build fighter jets. My Merle Works, (the Merle being inspired by my pandemic puppy with a mottled, tie-dyed like coat), is also a high-flying attempt. I took an honest and faithful leap out of my career in the hospitality industry, and believed, as the saying goes, that the net would appear. It was a risk I would have been hard pressed to take in any other year, but in 2020, it seemed like the only honest choice.

All the goods are hand-dyed by me. I source all the products and test drive them for quality. I don’t make anything I wouldn’t personally use. I use paper and string to tag up all the merch, because I find plastic doohickies and excessive factory packaging dehumanizing. All the accompanying “magic messages” are written by me too, clipped and collaged at my kitchen table. I've always had a love of words, and spent the first decade of my career hunting down the most inspiring quotes in the world for the one and only Quotable Cards.

I’m so glad you found Merle Works. Some way, some how, you received a far-flung message and it brought you back here. I hope you carry some of the magic, experimentation, color, and joy with you in whatever you do.

- Dallas Hlatky